Saturday, January 28, 2012
To Go or Not to Go: 11 Places With a Bad Rap
Monday, January 16, 2012
Don a stylish peacoat
Just before Christmas, I was schlepping around our local grocery store (looking for non fat eggnog- never did find it) when I came to a sudden halt. There, among the I’m-tired-out and threw-on-whatever-I-had shoppers, was one perfectly dressed woman. She was wearing a smile, straight dark pants, comfortable looking low heels and a fantastic plaid peacoat plus stylish scarf. Her hair was pulled back and her only makeup was lip gloss. She also had with her two unhappy children, one in the cart and the other alongside. Despite the chaos of the store and the kids, she came across as calm, in charge and comfortably fashionable. After looking closer, I realized that it was the beautiful peacoat that totally pulled the style together. I, on the other hand, looked like the “Before” picture from What Not to Wear. So I dumped my stained 1989 San Francisco State sweatshirt and bought myself a great peacoat. Look out Safeway…there’s a new woman on Aisle 10! Pam more…
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Save on groceries by stockpiling
I had never paid too much attention to the money I was spending at the grocery store until this last year when I decided to cut our food budget by 50%…our family was just throwing away too much food and money because we were unorganized and, I confess, a bit unconscious about the whole thing. I began the transformation by reading SAVE BIG (by Elisabeth Leamy) and watching a few episodes of Extreme Couponing ( by the way, why do those super extreme shoppers want, like, 73 jars of hot sauce, just because they can be had for a few cents each?). So, anyway, we have sliced our out-of-pocket cost for our meals by close to 50% and WITHOUT much deprivation. Here are steps to building a stockpile of food you eat and, at the same time, saving a bundle of cash! Megan more…
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Top 9 Senior Fashion Mistakes
Did you happen to see Anderson Cooper’s mom, Gloria Vanderbilt, on his show recently? Wow. She is almost 88 years old and exudes style in a older, sophisticated way. Her hair is cut beautifully and, instead of grey, Ms. Vanderbilt has gone for a reddish color . I noticed all of these details because I had just reviewed the following piece and saw how its suggestions were working on a real, live older woman. This is a timeless article to which we all might refer as we head into seniorhood! Kate more…
Friday, January 13, 2012
Good Advice
“Blessed to be stressed”? Read one woman’s take on how to have a good day and year. She has some out-of-the-ordinary great points. Forget resolutions- this list is better! Pam more…
Thursday, January 12, 2012
The Hyper-Tidy at Home
I like neat houses. Recently, an older neighbor came over to borrow some towels (guest were coming). I sent her to our linen closet and, when she returned, her only comment was “My, you are a little OCD, aren’t you dear?” Well, no. I just like my things folded or hung up. I don’t hold a candle to this designer,however. Measuring the fold of the sheets onto the blanket? Honey, THAT is OCD! Jana more…
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
25 ways to wear a scarf
I just couldn’t resist this cute young woman showing us 25 MORE ways to wear a scarf. I must say that we at COFFEE ON THE PATIO have certainly improved our style quotient since seeing all the ways our scarves may be tied. Fancy! Now we know what to do with those gorgeous scarves we received during the holidays. Megan
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
30 Best Drugstore Cosmetics Under $25
I’ve come to the conclusion, after years of experimenting, that I can do just as well with drugstore makeup as the fancy, pricey goodies I used to buy at Macys or Nordstroms. There are a few exceptions but, really,are those higher priced items any better or do they just lead us to a make believe world of beauty, indulgence and over consumption? This article helps us to sort out the best deals at your local CVS or Rite Aid. The fancier jars and labels may be tempting but, truth be told, the cheaper stuff works great too! Katemore…
Monday, January 9, 2012
This Is Why Yoga Should Replace Gym In Schools
In high school, I was the girl who did quite well in academics but wouldn’t walk the balance beam in gymnastics, couldn’t hit-that-baseball into lift field and shouldn’t have even attempted girl’s football. What can I say? I was an athletic klutz who depended on charming the p.e. teachers into passing me…..not easy with those hard nosed ladies, let me tell you! I suspect that I would have done better with yoga! Pam more…
Sunday, January 8, 2012
How To Apply Eye Liner
baby boomer women,
baby boomers,
boomer women,
How To,
women over 40
Saturday, January 7, 2012
39 Ways to Live, and Not Merely Exist
I am ready to up the ante in life’s game of “Who’s Having The Best Time?”. In 2012, my goal is to have a whole lotta fun!. Sound familiar? Are you ready to talk (or text) less and laugh a lot more? Walk in the rain? Smell the tulips? Well, read what the ever-interesting Dumb Little Man has to say about making the next year your best! Megan more…
Friday, January 6, 2012
Hip-Hop Dance Moves: How to Dougie
My dancing style, such as it is, seems a little out of date. I came to this conclusion while attending a New Year’s party at my friend Nancy’s house. I was cha-cha-ing while everybody else was doing the salsa and some hip hop sort of thing. So, I found this little article to teach me a few moves. The Dougie, anyone? My motto for 2012- less watching, more dancing! Jana
More “How To Dance Videos” can be found here.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
More Families Opt for Multigenerational Living
I guess I should have been the one to write this article. Currently, we have three generations living at our house: my husband and me ( baby boomers), my mom (85 today!), and one of our kids (mid 20′s). I thought it would be much harder but it turns out that we are quite a different-yet-compatible bunch. On the other hand, there are those days……… Multigenerational living is experiencing a cultural revival as economic times get tougher, especially for young adults. If you’re about to join the “living together club”, you just might want to read on! Pam more…
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Newt Gingrich’s Wife Callista’s Prissy Style Problem
During the holidays, I could not get my bangs to work. No, really. I’d comb my bangs and five minutes later they were a mess again. I know I sound like a silly self-involved 14 year old but, well, it bothered me. So I thought I wanted my bangs just to sit there and behave, sort of like…like… Calista Gingrich! No! I take that back. Mrs. Gingrich looks rigid and kind of prissy to me. I, on the other hand, am more the approachable-but-noticeably messy type. How do the styles of candidate’s spouses effect their spouse’s campaigns? Think of Michelle Obama, Cindy McCain and, yes, Marcus Bachman. And, what does that look reflect about their significant others? Here is an interesting article that recently showed up on the subject. Pam PS- Calista, honey, you might want to let your hair blow in the wind a little!more…
Monday, January 2, 2012
Cutest Baby And Kid Viral Videos Of 2011
Begin 2012 with laughter! Today we bring you the cutest baby/ little kid videos posted in 2011. May the coming 12 months bring us all joy. Happy New Year from your friends at Coffee on the Patio!
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Matador’s 12 trips to save for in 2012
Think big. Think amazing. Where would you like to travel in 2012? We hope you make the trip! Happy New Year from the staff at Coffee on the Patio! more…
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