Sunday, January 15, 2012

Save on groceries by stockpiling

I had never paid too much attention to the money I was spending at the grocery store until this last year when I decided to cut our food budget by 50%…our family was just throwing away too much food and money because we were unorganized and, I confess, a bit unconscious about the whole thing. I began the transformation by reading SAVE BIG (by Elisabeth Leamy) and watching a few episodes of Extreme Couponing ( by the way, why do those super extreme shoppers want, like, 73 jars of hot sauce, just because they can be had for a few cents each?). So, anyway, we have sliced our out-of-pocket cost for our meals by close to 50% and WITHOUT much deprivation. Here are steps to building a stockpile of food you eat and, at the same time, saving a bundle of cash! Megan more…

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